本帖最後由 隨身帶鏈的羹桃 於 2022-2-21 14:59 編輯
首頁翻譯: 第四季的主要目標將根據社區的需求將應用程式翻譯成不同語言。目前,Pi核心團隊正在開發技術解決方案,同時與聊天室管理員一起組成翻譯工作組。應用程式的翻譯將逐步推出,希望下週開始能看到部分已翻譯的應用程式!
原文: App translations are in progress! As mentioned in the Pi COiNVENTION, one of the major goals in Q4 is to translate the Pi app into different languages per community request. Currently, the Pi Core Team is developing the technical solution while organizing a translation task force with our chat moderators. Check out the timing of the translations on the home screen of the app.