本帖最後由 隨身帶鏈的羹桃 於 2022-2-21 14:48 編輯
首頁翻譯: 根據第1輪大會發言人申請的17,000份意見書,我們起草了最初的公約章節和主題。 請在下方預覽。這也是對公約具體議題發表演講的請求。 第1輪合格的演講者申請人將被邀請在本周的後續電子郵件中填寫表格,並需要提交演說影片。 提交的影片將是一個簡短的演說,演講者的演講風格和主要談話要點。提交的影片將會納入考慮以便在大會上展示。
大會議程部分: 1. 去中心化和節點 2. 實用性程式、平台和應用程式 3. 挖礦和移動應用程式 4. 生態系統開發 5. 社區與治理 想申請嗎?查看Pi 主頁,獲取有關特定講座和申請流程的更多詳細資訊。
原文: Based on the over 17,000 submissions to our round 1 convention speaker application, we drafted the initial Convention sections and topics. Preview them below. This is also a request for speakers on specific topics for the convention. Qualified speaker applicants from round 1 will be invited to fill in the form in a followup email this week that requires video submissions. Video submissions will be a short demo showcasing the speakers’ style of presentation and main talking points. Video submissions will receive greater consideration to present at the convention. Here are the initial proposed agenda sections and topics. Certain topics may be added, revised, or removed in the final convention agenda. As a reminder from the previous convention announcement, Pi’s first convention will be an online one-day event.
Convention Agenda Sections: - Decentralization and Node
- Utility, Platform, and Applications
- Mining and Mobile application
- Ecosystem Development
- Community and Governance
Want to apply? Visit the Pi homescreen to get more details on specific talks and application process.