本帖最後由 ekerleetw 於 2022-4-15 20:47 編輯
首頁翻譯: 我們宣佈在未來幾個月內向先鋒們開放100,000個免費的身份認證(KYC)插槽。 從今天開始,我們的系統將每天根據先鋒過去和未來對 Pi 的潛在貢獻值(包括節點、平臺、社區和參與度) 自動選擇先驅者。 訪問 Pi App 主頁,閱讀有關 KYC 推出的更多詳細資訊。
原文: We're announcing 100,000 free KYC slots open to Pioneers over the next few months. On a daily basis starting today, our system will automatically select Pioneers based on their past and future potential contributions to Pi, including Node, Platform, community and engagement. Visit the Pi App home screen to read more details about the KYC rollout.
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